31 Days, 31 Stories - The Beginning

What is the point?

August is breastfeeding awareness month, and with that I think that we – as moms – should not only be able to help educate the community on all the wonders of breastfeeding but also be able to celebrate all of our accomplishments.

31 Stories, breastfeeding group photo at Standley Lake

How will it work?

Every day through the month of August Miracle Kisses is going to post a different moms story on the blog. Some of these stories will be written by the mother herself, and others will be written from interviews. Each blog will show some of the memorable moments from their experience with breastfeeding their nursling.

The story:

Some of us are only able to nurse for a short time and others extend their journey well beyond the World Health Organizations recommendation of breastfeeding for two years. Every one of these stories need to be celebrated and cherished.

While it is true that many of us love breastfeeding for a wide array of reasons, that does not take away from the fact that breastfeeding is hard. Many of the stories you will read will show the dedication that many of these moms had to have in order to make it to where they are in their journey. Sure, it is the “natural” thing that our bodies are “meant” to do; but let’s face it – not every journey is quite so intuitive and nearly every journey has a monkey wrench thrown in for good measure.

31 stories, breastfeeding group photo at Garden of the Gods

Every story matters:

It is my belief that every story matters. I’m here to show that every story is interesting. Every story has something to be told. We never know which story - or part of a story - will resonate with another mom to help her feel like she is not alone and that she has a community.

It has been said that it takes a village to raise a child, and it truly does. In the times we live, we may not all gather to celebrate every baby as a village and dote over both mother and child to give them the best chance to live and prosper. But we do need that village of knowledge to be shared and passed through the generations. All of those home remedies and little tricks that make some small part of motherhood work even a tiny bit better.

I hope that all of you come on this journey to learn and celebrate the beauty and hard work that so many moms dedicate themselves to, for their children.

If you are interested in participating in the 31 Days, 31 Stories project for 2018 or even the Bond Project (which I host all year long) please send me a note to start the conversation. 


Day One | My Arvada Breastfeeding Journey


When Weaning is a Blessing By Audrey Mendez