How to be successful finishing a 365 project

Have a goal

Creating a goal and really understanding what it is you want to capture, learn or document for an entire year is super important in keeping motivation to keep going. You can be guided by this goal and your images will be informed by it. Goals could be as simple as watching your children grow and seeing the small changes in the everyday. Or even goals to learn different photography techniques or hone your skills.

Take your camera everywhere

This may be partially informed by your goal for the project, but in this day and age we all have a camera in our call phones. But it is imperative that if you see something that catches your eye or inspires you in some way that you are able to take the photo. Even if it isn’t technically perfect. The moment often matters more than making everything perfect.

Have a plan

It can be very important to create a plan or even set a time of day that you will definitely take the photo. Especially if you are working on a guided 365 with a prompt or subject every day. If you plan in advance what you would like to photograph it will be a lot simpler to actually get your image every day.

Have an accountability partner/group

A project like this can become very overwhelming and the further into the year the harder it will be to be diligent and pick up your camera every day. Having someone or a few someones to keep you going can be such a huge help. Plus they can give you feedback, love on your photos, and give you additional inspiration. There are many groups out there for you to join. Here is our Miracle Kisses Lifestyle 365 group if you would like to join.

Get creative

This is an awesome way to try new things. Get out that copper pipe or learn a new editing technique or try new angles. There is something to be said for taking the same photo everyday for a year to see how a person changes (especially a kiddo), but it will be much for fun for you if you change it up and let life be the inspiration. And if you want to try something or get out of the house, take your family and your camera on an adventure. Even Target is used to cameras!

Editing is optional

While we are thinking about editing - there is no obligation to edit at all. These are the moments of your own life and it is much more important to take the photos then to have them be perfect and “technically correct.” These are for you. You are the only one that needs to love them

Follow your progress

Being able to post all of your images in a single place to see how far you have made it, how much you have grown in a year and how much your family has changed can be such a wonderful way to stay motivated and maybe even cry a little.

Reward yourself

Every month you make it through I recommend you reward yourself with something. It doesn’t have to be anything big or expensive. Just something that you can look forward too. And then at the end of the year, print out a book with all of your photos. It will be a wonderful keepsake for you and your kids will love it.

Keep going if you skip a day

There are times where we forget, get sick, or just don’t feel like it. That is okay. Pick it back up the next day. I will be honest, there are many days I don’t get a photo, but I am usually able to make up the day on the next day. Just take two, or let yourself skip the day. In 5 years you will not care that you skipped July 21, 2019 you will be ecstatic that you have all the other days.

Give yourself grace

Let go of perfection. You can do this. Maybe you aren’t where you want to be in your photos or your house is a disaster (raise my hand). Take the photo anyway. If you get sick or something happens, a cell phone image is just as good at catching the moment. This challenge is HARD but by creating the habit, you will get all the way through!

I am so excited to go on this journey with you all. You can follow along with my 2019 365 project or join this Facebook group! I can’t wait to see your images!


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