“Being a mother is learning about strengths you didn’t know you had and dealing with fears you didn’t know existed.”
- LindaWooten
I am here to help in any way I can by sharing my own experiences and those of other families just like yours. Welcome to the blog.
Close to Her Baby | A Pumping Story
My advice to mothers exclusively pumping is that it is hard and time consuming but it brings you just as close to your baby as breastfeeding does.
A Different Kind of Story
Do what's best for you and your situation and don't let anyone tell you what you "should" be doing. If your baby is getting fed, getting the nutrients they need, that's all that matters. And be flexible and forgiving to yourself. Plans change, some days are easier than others, and things don't always go the way we imagine them going. It's all good momma, just keep going!
A Complicated Beginning
My breastfeeding journey with my sweet LillyBug, just like our birth story, started much differently than my other stories. When she was born, it seemed as though she would latch ok. But then as bottles and syringes were given to her to help her blood sugars come up, it became apparent that we were going to have a hard time.