“Being a mother is learning about strengths you didn’t know you had and dealing with fears you didn’t know existed.”
- LindaWooten
I am here to help in any way I can by sharing my own experiences and those of other families just like yours. Welcome to the blog.
Jackie's Journey | Overcoming her Circumstances to Love and Breastfeed
After working through her past, Jackie nursed her first daughter until she was two. Now that she has a second daughter, so much of her life has changed and her breastfeeding journey is still growing too.
Mariah's Journey | A Stay at Home Breastfeeding Story
Pumping and co-sleeping can be heated topics in the breastfeeding world. Learn about how this Colorado mom does it.
Mariah's Journey | A Colorado Breastfeeding Story
Breastfeeding is hard to most moms in the beginning. Learn about this beautiful mama's beginning with her first daughter and how she is doing now.
Day Sixteen | Amy's Journey | Starting Over
As much as Amy has learned about breastfeeding her other children, she will admit every baby is different and there are always challenges.
Day Fourteen | Sara's Journey | Tandem Nursing in Colorado
Sara stumbled into tandem nursing her two beautiful daughters. Learn about a couple of the challenges and the bond it has created between them all.
Guess What?
It may come as no surprise to many of you the real reason why I was absent for – gulp – almost two whole months…. morning sickness. Yep that is right, we are expecting our next little bundle of joy in October! Hopefully we will make it there!
Molly's Story
Honestly I don't remember thinking at all about breastfeeding before my first baby was born. He was born, they put him on my breast in the first half hour. He latched on immediately, and I never considered doing anything else...
Martha's Story
I wanted to breastfeed since I wanted to be a mama. I struggled with my first, and only breastfed a month despite working hard. The second time around, knowing this was our last kiddo, I was determined to fight harder and do everything in my power to make it work if it was possible...
Heather's Story
Thirteen years ago, Heather became a mother to a beautiful baby boy. As a young mother she knew that breastfeeding would be the best thing for her son. She was going to give it a shot. However, with an undiagnosed severe tongue tie, he wasn’t able to get a good latch. And then he got sick and was hospitalized his very first week out of the womb. While in the hospital, Heather received bad advice on supplementing and didn’t have much support on how to keep a supply and supplement. Or how to nurse on or off of a schedule so her milk dried up. She was only able to nurse for about a month with her oldest...
Lauren's Story
Breastfeeding seemed like the most obvious choice when we decided how to feed our firstborn. Although I planned to pump and bottle feed for some meals after I returned to work, we wanted to establish a good breastfeeding relationship if at all possible. To be honest, most of it was laziness on my part - formula was expensive, and I didn't want to have one more thing to carry or prepare for. Breast was free, convenient, and had a lot of benefits for both of us...