“Being a mother is learning about strengths you didn’t know you had and dealing with fears you didn’t know existed.”
- LindaWooten
I am here to help in any way I can by sharing my own experiences and those of other families just like yours. Welcome to the blog.
My Last Nursling
To the outside world, I have given up so much for this journey. The ability to wear “normal clothes,” a bra completely (because why bother?), the ability to leave my babies more than a few short hours, sleep, so many things….. But…
Making It Through | A Golden Bonding Story
“My son was in the NICU the first day, so I didn’t get the chance for the ‘golden hour’ of spending time with just us. When I tried to latch him, it was very difficult and it left me feeling frustrated - I almost gave up.”
Focused on Happiness | A Denver Bond Story
Becoming a mom has been a challenging and exciting experience and I’ve learned that not everything goes according to plan. My number one focus is his health and happiness and I’m much better at that when I am healthy and happy too!
Learn Along the Way
I’ve had oversupply, forceful let down, engorgement and sore cracked nipples in the early days. I’ve navigated breastfeeding while baby is on oxygen, biting, recurring clogged ducts and mastitis. With my last two I’ve had mild DMER (dysphoric milk ejection reflex) which for me felt like extreme fullness/disgust for a minute prior to letdowns.
None of these things have discouraged me from continuing (stubborn, remember) and while it sounds like a lot of negative- for me the positive experience of breastfeeding FAR outshines the struggles. I love nursing!
Growing up
She crosses her a little ankles. She has to be holding onto a handful of my shirt. Sometimes when she is really sleepy, she’ll start making a humming noises until I start singing or humming back to her. And if I take too long to do that, she’ll slap my chest to make sure I’m paying attention.
An All New Journey
The midwives at Planned Parenthood would tell me that the size of my breast didn’t matter, but I couldn’t help but still be nervous. Then, once she was born I had absolutely no problem producing, and my breasts grew so large that I was gifted this sun ray pattern.
Confidence in Herself
Milk was spraying everywhere, my boobs felt like concrete and hurt like hell, and my baby felt like he was fighting me every time we nursed! Of course, now, in retrospect and with my experience and knowledge as a birth worker, I know all the little things I was doing that overcomplicated things and it could have been so much easier! But in the moment, it was really awful.
Success with Hard Work
“After 3 babies, multiple lactation consultants, herbs, and meds I felt like I had finally achieved a huge dream. He's now 15 months old and It's still his favorite thing!”
31 Days, 31 Stories Breastfeeding Awareness Project 2019
The project welcomes all mamas who are pregnant and plan to breastfeed, breastfeeding currently, pump, donate, wet-nurse, use donor milk or any combination even if that combination includes formula or table foods. Want to share your story?
The Playground Diaries | Volume 3 | Daniel Carmichael Park
Daniel Carmichael Park is next on our list of playground adventures. We really enjoyed a few things from this park, read the blog and find out what.
Mariah's Journey | A Stay at Home Breastfeeding Story
Pumping and co-sleeping can be heated topics in the breastfeeding world. Learn about how this Colorado mom does it.
Mariah's Journey | A Colorado Breastfeeding Story
Breastfeeding is hard to most moms in the beginning. Learn about this beautiful mama's beginning with her first daughter and how she is doing now.
Touched Out – What it is and what to do
Earlier this week I posted about some of my own feelings on being touched out. This blog will give a little insight into what may help you when these moments come.
Touched Out - In all it's Glory
As mother's we love our children 'to the moon and back' but that doesn't mean being a mom isn't hard: physically and emotionally. In this blog you will read about one of those mom troubles: when you can't stand the thought or feeling of anyone touching you. This is called being touched out.
Logan’s Story - My New Beginning in Breastfeeding
Becoming a mother again, I thought I had breastfeeding all figured out, it only took an hour to see that I still had some learning to do.
Do I Even Still have Milk?
Breastfeeding takes a lot out of both mom and baby especially when they are going through a growth spurt. Having thoughts that you don't have breastmilk or feeling touched out is very common and totally normal.
Day Thirty-One | The End
Thank you for an amazing 31 Days, 31 Stories year! I can't wait to continue to share your stories!
Day Thirty | Jody's Journey | A New Mom Breastfeeding Story
It took going home for this sweet mama to figure out what positions worked for her breastfeeding journey with her new son.
Day Twenty-Nine | Allison's Journey | A Four Time Mom Story
After three boys, this mama knew what to expect with her little girl but there were still some differences in the transition from nursing a mobile toddler to a sweet newborn.
Day Twelve | Kim's Journey Extended | Making your Breastfeeding Goals
After concurring the growth curve, Kim had one more fear - teething. Learn about how she is handing teething either her daughter in this extended story.