Day Three | Megan's Journey | An Arvada breastfeeding story
Megan's experience with her daughter was much different than with her first. Read about what was new and what she did to continue nourishing her daughter.
Day Two | Kim's Journey | Breastfeeding in Broomfield
Kim and her daughter did not have the easiest of beginnings but she was determined not to give up. At two months, they finally feel like they have a bit of a rhythem. Find out what happened and how she got her daughter to finally start gaining weight.
Day One | My Arvada Breastfeeding Journey
Weaning my three year old has had so many bittersweet moments and to say that I haven't been dragging my feet would be a staight up lie. Read about it in Day One of 31 Days, 31 Stories - a breastfeeding event.
31 Days, 31 Stories - The Beginning
Every story is worth telling. Through the month of August we will tell 31 stories of how mothers give their children breast milk
When Weaning is a Blessing By Audrey Mendez
"Don’t be alarmed, I loved that I could nourish my child with my body, I loved watching her latch and coo at “nursies”. I loved looking at her chunky legs as she drifted off to sleep following feedings. Those are some of the dearest memories I have so far."
Pushing through moments to breastfeed by Michaela Lawson
"Weaning was just a step, a part in life that signifies growing up. I would now even classify it in the same feelings as him growing out of a favorite outfit, or saying a new word. It pinches at your heartstrings. But it reassures you that you’re doing right as a mother, you are your child are growing up, together. And things are progressing forward exactly as they should be."
Introducing New Exclusive Breastfeeding Sessions
...What do you want to remember most about this moment? The one you are in, right now, breastfeeding your baby?...
Stephanie's Story
...Anyway, I do remember at the beginning sitting in bed, sore and tired in the middle of the night after Hubby brought her to me and just crying because it hurt so badly. That eventually got better and she started sleeping longer stretches which helped me heal a little more...
Yes, I still breastfeed my toddler
But guess what: my baby is about to turn two. And all of the questions, the looks, the snide comments – they are all coming back. Not only from my family but now, more than ever, from strangers. From those people we walk by or sit across the restaurant...
Amy's Story
For some moms breastfeeding is what they have always wanted to do and for others, it is something they never thought about. Amy grew up around breastfeeding, as her mom breastfed all of her siblings. So when she became pregnant with her first child, it was a no brainer – she was going to breastfeed. “It was an easy decision for me, and I didn't put much thought into the alternative (formula feed). I made sure that my family and doctors/pediatricians knew that it was my plan at the very beginning.”
Maile's Story
Maile knew from the beginning that she was going to breastfeed. Her mom breastfed both her and her sister, plus she knew all of the amazing benefits that breastfeeding has to offer. Both mom and baby are benefitted so much it seems that everyone should try once. For her it was a given...
Amanda's Story - The Beginning
When we were expecting my son I assumed we would breastfeed. I had no bad experiences with my first. But then I developed Preeclampsia and had to be induced at 30 weeks...
Melissa's Story
Breastfeeding was a given for us. We knew it would be better for him and I wanted to create that special bond between me and him that can only be done with breastfeeding... this was until we had some issues...
Molly's Story
Honestly I don't remember thinking at all about breastfeeding before my first baby was born. He was born, they put him on my breast in the first half hour. He latched on immediately, and I never considered doing anything else...
Ashley's Story
There are over 50 true benefits to breastfeeding a baby into toddlerhood – both for mom and for baby. The first 3 months being the most important, but also typically the most difficult. Learning to latch, and getting through the pain and the sleepless nights (not that you would get more sleep with another method) is hard, confusing work...
Martha's Story
I wanted to breastfeed since I wanted to be a mama. I struggled with my first, and only breastfed a month despite working hard. The second time around, knowing this was our last kiddo, I was determined to fight harder and do everything in my power to make it work if it was possible...
Briana's Story
When I first found out I was pregnant, I had no opinions on breastfeeding. I had never thought about how I would feed my child. I started reading pregnancy books and blogs and decided I would try to breastfeed after learning how beneficial it was for both baby and mother. I never expected to love it as much as I do! L and I have been EXTREMELY lucky in our journey so far. We have not had any production or latch issues, no tongue or lip ties, no mastitis or cracked nipples. I know we have been extremely fortunate in that respect!.....
Heather's Story
Thirteen years ago, Heather became a mother to a beautiful baby boy. As a young mother she knew that breastfeeding would be the best thing for her son. She was going to give it a shot. However, with an undiagnosed severe tongue tie, he wasn’t able to get a good latch. And then he got sick and was hospitalized his very first week out of the womb. While in the hospital, Heather received bad advice on supplementing and didn’t have much support on how to keep a supply and supplement. Or how to nurse on or off of a schedule so her milk dried up. She was only able to nurse for about a month with her oldest...
Lauren's Story
Breastfeeding seemed like the most obvious choice when we decided how to feed our firstborn. Although I planned to pump and bottle feed for some meals after I returned to work, we wanted to establish a good breastfeeding relationship if at all possible. To be honest, most of it was laziness on my part - formula was expensive, and I didn't want to have one more thing to carry or prepare for. Breast was free, convenient, and had a lot of benefits for both of us...